Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Circle of life

I am convinced that many times, in the course of our lives, God challenges us with a golden opportunity, a seemingly impossible hurdle, or a terrible tragedy . . . and how we react - or fail to react - determines the course of our future, almost as if we were involved in some sort of heavenly chess game... with our destiny always in the balance.
Og Mandino
A Better Way to Live

Remember this entry:
Hay… I've laid out my plans to Him. But it seems that He wants to make some revisions.

I prayed so hard for Him to give me a new job that would help me develop as a person.

Well... he gave me this:
A text message from Ms. Tata, my former immediate supervisor, that says:
Hi Guads! Are you happy with your work? Just thought you might want to go back to ---. I'm looking for a marketing and alumni relations' assistant. You might be interested.

If you saw me after I received this, you might conclude that I am really crazy. I cannot wipe the smile off my face! My thoughts? Grabe! God must be joking/teasing me. :)

It is as if, he just let me take another route that would just lead me back to the main road again. A complete circle - He made me smile.

After everything... hay... another move in the chessboard of life. I'm sure He is waiting for my next move. Well then Lord, lead the way!


I believe that each of us has a purpose to be fulfilled in life.

Arlene concluded that our purpose for each other is done.
We were given the chance to be housemates because almost two years ago, we each needed a friend for support.
We both lost a loved one.
Now that the initial shock is over, our purpose was served.
Thus, we will not be housemates any more. :)

So, good luck girl! :) Albeit still envious, I am very happy for you!

You’re going back. Complete the circle this time.


AP said...

sa chess, hindi pwede magpa-coach sa opponent. just as God would probably tell you: "o eto na move ko, turn mo na. let me watch your next step. dito lang ako."

in a man's chess, we always want to be the winner while in God's chess, He's always pulling for us kasi -- our victory is His, too ;)

omlet said...

ey! where are u working now?! howdee?! ;o

Jing said...

waaaa! emily!!!
sa dati pa rin!
no guts to leave pa.