Saturday, June 14, 2008

For my Dearest

I miss you so much.
Where are you? You seem so far.
I am longing for you.
My soul longs for you.
Can you hear me?
Can you hear my thoughts?
Can you hear my heart?
I have been dying to feel you,
to see you, to be with you once again.
I’ve been searching for you.
It seems like years since I felt you.
Where are you?
Please be with me.
I miss you so very much.


From Hallmark Cards, Inc.

For every heart that listens,
There is a Voice that speaks…
There is a
Door that opens…
To every soul that seeks…
To those who ask, the Promise
is that they shall receive…
The Gift of Grace is given
To all those who


From Fallen: only God judges.


“Why are you sad Jing?”
I never expected him to ask such question, mainly because no one ever asked me that question.
“I am not.” I answered defensively. “Why do you ask?”
“Because sometimes when I look at you, your eyes show how very sad you are.” He replied and then he asked again, “Why are you sad, Jing?”
I had a hard time directing the conversation to another topic.

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