Monday, February 07, 2005


From Sun Cellular Inspiration (2346):

~January 10, 2005~

“Lord, what is it that you want me to do for you?” When we ask this question, we don’t really expect an immediate answer. We can only ask again and again in prayer and listen to God speaking in our hearts for the answer. We can also look at our lives. What makes my heart burn? What gives me peace?

Someone said: the point where our heart’s deepest desires and the world’s greatest needs meet is where God is showing His will for us.

See where God’s finger is pointing.

~January 11, 2005~

Not much is known about St. Joseph except that he was a carpenter, Mary’s husband and Jesus’ foster dad.

He was about to divorce Mary when the angel appeared to him in a dream. He stood by Mother and Child and took them to safety. Joseph was a silent character with a great role. He was a source of strength for the family.

No wonder many people consider him a good intercessor and spiritual guide. How can you be a Joseph to others – silent yet a source of strength?

~January 12, 2005~

Before the Chosen people entered the Promised Land they journeyed long and far in the desert. There they endure hunger, thirst, sickness, and despair even questioning God at some point. We can identify with the Israelites in their desert experience. We too face hard and troubling times that test our faith.

It’s good to remember that God accompanies us all in our period of self-discovery and growth. He leads us by the hand into the joy of our Promised Lands

~January 13, 2005~

In Jesus’ time people avoided lepers for fear of being made unclean. A certain physical distance was always maintained when lepers were around.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus stretches out his hand to a leper AND also cures him! Jesus is moved with pity and does something concrete for someone in need.

Ask the Lord to make you more aware of your parts that have grown unfeeling and unresponsive to other people and to Him. Beg Him to touch you and make you clean!

~January 14, 2005~

In the Gospels, sickness is seen as an outward sign of the state of one’s soul. In curing the sick, Jesus tells them that their sins are forgiven.

When you look at your life now, what ails or afflicts you? What blinds, cripples or paralyzes you, especially from within? (Maybe some bad habits or some fears?)

Hear Jesus’ consoling, healing words: “My child, your sins are forgiven.” Jesus even offers to restore you to wellness of body and spirit. Let Him heal you.

~January 15, 2005~

God speaks to us in the silence of our hearts. As you move through the day and end the week, find time to be still.

Spend a few moments relishing the quiet yet active presence of God in your life. Be aware of how God has been part of each moment these past days. Recall the times, which speak to you of God.
Lord, many times, you went to quite places to be with the Father. Maybe this is why you always had the energy to do many things for others. Teach me to be like you.

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