Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Hearts breaking

There's a word I've hated
All my life
Unanticipated tears
Can hurt so much
My friend

It's so sad to see you
At love's end
I've been through the pain myself
It's really wrong
To play it strong

Go on and cry
'Till you run dry
It's alright
Go on and scream
At broken dreams
It's alright

Minsan naiisip ko sana wala na lang ako puso. I can definitely handle the physical stress caused by my work but when it comes to the emotional pressure, I am so very week.

Once, Arlene told me that she is an empath with a weak heart. Ako, I am an empath with a very very weak heart. I don’t know until when will I last.

It was only yesterday when I realized that I could still handle additional pain/burden. And I bleed… I bleed more than ever now. Not for my self this time. But for the one person whom I love the most... :'(

1 comment:

armikatrina said...

last time i got really brokenhearted, i had an all-night cry-fest. but the very next day, i made a bet with my friends that i'd treat them all to pizza if i ever cried over this person again. i won the bet :) ate guada, don't worry, that will soon pass.